Edward Sott (CEO Covered Bridge Press LLC/Today’s Witch Magazine)

Edward Sott is a Theologian and Historian and run a Non-profit organization. And he’s a military Veteran. He was since childhood inspired to write novels and plays. He currently resides in Pennsylvania and has traveled throughout the world. He is the founder and CEO of Covered Bridge Press LLC, and of “Today’s Witch “ Magazine. His goal is to educate the public and bring traditionalism back to the craft and its practices. He is an Alexandrian Wiccan High Priest and Elder.
David Larsen (Vice President/Sales and Marketing Dir.)

David Larsen is an over the Road Commodities Relocation Engineer, (AKA truck driver) He is also a history buff and a word smith. He currently resides in Florida and wherever the road and his dog Joey might take him. He is also world traveled from his military experience and driving. David is Co-Author with Edward Sott of Two Novels A Time for Redemption and A time for Retribution he is also A Vice President of Covered Bridge Press, LLC and a member of the Board of Directors of “Today’s Witch” magazine. He is an open-minded Christian and Friend of the Pagan Community. He understands the value of spiritualism.
Atalanta Moonfire (Vice President)

Atalanta Moonfire is an eclectic witch who is also an author, diviner, teacher, and lover of all types of spirituality. Born in Manassas, Virginia, she grew up moving frequently which gave her the ability to be flexible and adaptable to change as well as diverse life experiences. She studied and worked as a paralegal for 15 years, eventually becoming a presiding judge’s assistant in Floyd County, AL. At 54 years young, she has been pagan since the age of 14, practicing since she was 18, and specializing in divination at age 25. Atalanta is a Reiki master, Ordained Minister, graduate of Harvard ED Online Oracles & Prophecies, and High Priestess of Sacred Moon coven. Always looking to expand her knowledge, she continues to study and practice Hecatean Witchcraft and Hoodoo. She is currently touring with the Oddities & Curiosities Expo promoting her new book, “Throwing the Bones Divination for the Modern Practitioner”. She is also Vice President of Covered Bridge Press, LLC and Co-Founder of “Today’s Witch” magazine. Her goal in life is to expand her spiritual education and help others who share her desire of understanding this magnificent universe in which we live.
Earl Williams (Hum. Res. Director)

My name is Rev. Earl Williams.
I have been in the pagan community for 20 years, holding a position as an ordained minister for 17 of those years. I am currently the Human Resources manager for Covered Bridge Press. I am happy and honored to also be a part of the new publication, “Today’s Witch” magazine, due to be released mid-October of 2023.
Emily Thornton (Managing Editor)

My name is Emily Thornton (Emma Gardner) and I have my Masters in Journalism. I love editing work and working with others. I have written numerous articles along with having my own column with local newspapers for over 10 years. Even though I grew up in a fairly religious household, I have always felt a love of nature and the metaphysical. I have an affinity for green magic and I love reading tarot for people around me. I even opened my own little side business called Celtic Readings, Oils and Sundries. I love stories and providing perspective to people at a crossroads. I work with Brigid mainly, but love the Celtic pantheon of deities.
Melina Valdejo (Staff Writer

Being interested in many traditions and “finding the gold” in each one, Melina labels herself as an Eclectic and enjoys the concept of the “Spiritual Mosaic” as stated by Thomas Ashely-Farrand. Her strengths lie in personalizing her Spiritual path. As a Priestess of the Well of Avalon, she enjoys finding unique, practical approaches to situations and magickal workings drawing from her direct inspiration and her ever-widening background. “By putting ourselves in alignment with deity we can rise above situations and find our true path, we are all ‘in the process’”.
Melina is the owner of Pathways New Age Books & Gifts, a brick-and-mortar resource center honoring all traditions located in St Louis, Missouri. If you’re a traveling author or artist, please contact her at Melina@pathwaysstl.com to get details on how to present at her shop.